
Connolly Brothers Vice President of Real Estate/Development Thaddeus Minshall's column on commercial property management was featured in the most recent edition of Banker & Tradesman. An excerpt of the article is below.
When Choosing a Business Location, Consider Property Management
By Thaddeus Minshall
Special to Banker & Tradesman
Where you choose to do business is an important decision that may be influenced by several factors. While “location, location, location" is paramount in many cases, it is not the only element in the commercial real estate equation, particularly as more businesses engage in work that can be conducted nearly anywhere.
In evaluating potential business locations, a routinely overlooked consideration is property management. Everyone loves a shiny new building, but few take the time to investigate and assess how well that building is likely to be maintained in the years to come.
Moving your business takes time and resources; it is not a process to undertake frequently. Here are a few tips to help ensure you make a location decision you will be satisfied with in the long run.
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